Monday, 27 April 2009

The Perfect Present

It’s often difficult to happen upon just the right present for someone, isn’t it?
It can be hard enough finding a gift for a relation, a helpful neighbour, or the friend who seems to have everything he or she could possibly need. But when the Pacific Steel and Recycling Company ( in Montana decided they wanted to give something to their community, it must have seemed a formidable task.
However, they rose to the challenge and came up with the wonderful idea of funding their local museum of art to allow visitors free entry for a year. This was a gesture that delighted both the community and those involved with the museum—they knew it would be the perfect chance to nurture understanding and appreciation of the arts.
Now that’s what I call the perfect present. [The Friendship Book 2009]

Friday, 24 April 2009

Great Leadership has the ICE Factor?

I {Imagination, Innovation, Inspiration}

C {Culture, Creativity, Charisma}

E {Energy, Ethusiasm, Expertise}
Do you have the ICE Factor in your business?

Jump For Joy

Happiness breeds happiness, and builds inner strength. When we are happy we can’t help but flourish. Try my top 5 things that make people happy and be a HAPPY CHAPPY today:
1. Wake Revitalised: getting a good night’s kip will rest that sleepy head and recharge those batteries for tomorrow.
2. Love, Love, Love : Did you watch the film Castaway starring Tom Hanks? Yes, few people would enjoy years alone on a desert island, in fact most would keep themselves busy by trying to escape. Having someone who loves you can boost your happiness.
3. Have Fun with Fitness: the human body, especially the brain, functions best when you are physically fit. Find an activity that you enjoy doing, make it fun or pair up with a friend. Make small changes e.g. taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Stay active and be happy.
4. Set Goals: What do you want to achieve in the future? What will you BE, DO and HAVE as a result of this? If you can’t see the target how do you know where to aim? Write down your goals and GO FOR IT.
5. Be Yourself: The challenge of life is to be who you are, there is no other person like you. Stay true to yourself and believe in your abilities. What you do today is creating your future. Make sure it is a HAPPY FUTURE.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Did You Know?

“Did You Know” . I would recommend every business owner view this video — it will definitely get you thinking about what lies ahead in terms of the progression of Information Technology. You can access this from Youtube using the following link:

You will be truly amazed by its “Wow” factor content.

Photo of Amazing Boat above from my short book "Amazing Boats and Motiquotes"

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Anything is Possible

Every journey starts somewhere and I believe my adventure started when I crossed the line of the New York Marathon in November 2007. I absolutely believe “anything is possible” especially after this personal achievement. I remember very clearly at the beginning of January 2007 what a mighty task I had set myself. I will never forget those freezing cold training nights battling through the winter storms, often alone but full of determination and spirit to reach my goal.

As I write this article I am sitting with the NYC marathon medal in front of me. Simply looking at it and touching it takes me back to that magic moment of crossing the finish line - I think the photo of me on the right, says it all really. On the back of the medal are inspiring words from Alberto Salazar, “. . a triumph of the will over all limits”.


Monday, 20 April 2009

Hop Hop Hopping To The Top

Hello dear friendly bloggers,

Today I received exceptional news, I have been assigned my new business mentor, a successful entrepreneur who will offer me his guidance and experience. I have alot to learn on this marvelous journey but despite some of the risky challenges, I am enjoying it all the way. Meeting lots of wonderful people through this life experience and quite frankly starting my own business was the best thing I have ever done in my life. So please don't get concerned by the video diaries of Day 34 - it is all part of the experiential learning and I am hop hop hopping to the top:-)


Sunday, 19 April 2009

Embrace The Present

Jenny’s husband has employment which involves frequent moves, so we were sorry rather than surprised to hear that she would be leaving our neighbourhood. “It must be rather hard,” commiserated the Lady of the House, “to have to keep leaving everything behind you.”
“Well,” Jenny replied. “I always make sure I take the addresses of the friends I’ve made but other than that, I try to look forward rather than back.”
“I go along with the philosophy of Jan Gildwell, who said: “You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present.”
And that’s not bad advice for any of us, whatever our circumstances. [The Friendship Book, 2009]

Friday, 17 April 2009

Express De-stress

Reduce those stress levels in Life and work by trying out these 8 important stress busters. In doing so you’ll not only look and feel amazing but your performance will rocket. So whatever you want to achieve make sure you EXPRESS DE-STRESS all the way there.
Try to keep to a pattern of going to bed and waking at the same time. Remember that a good sleep is like a good meal, it should leave you satisfied but not too full.
Say goodbye to 3 hefty meals per day, and think ‘little and often’ instead. Nutritionists recommend eating every three to four hours to keep your energy topped up.
Doing something you enjoy can send your energy levels soaring. So whether that’s reading a book, kite surfing or watching a movie, take time out to do it.
4. MAKE NEW FRIENDSand don’t forget your old ones, too. Research suggests that people who are part of large social groups may live longer, stay happier and suffer less stress.
One of the fastest ways to raise stress levels, say psychologists, is to pretend everything’s okay when it’s not. Be true to yourself, and you’ll feel better for it.
Whether it’s asking for a promotion, riding the ghost train or jumping out of a plane (with a parachute naturally), doing something scary is a great way to boost your confidence.
Water is vital to your diet, aim for six to eight glasses per day.
Laughter closes the distances between two people and it makes you feel good. The average adult laughs 17 times a day. Laughter is actually a complex response that involves many of the same skills used in solving problems. So that means people who laugh alot are clever. GO ON “ha, ha, ha OR “ho, ho, ho” OR “hee, hee, hee” TODAY.


Thursday, 16 April 2009

Life Is All About Sharing Opportunities

Starting any new business venture is a real challenge and that is why I created my free monthly newsletter "Opportunity News". It is not only aimed at that budding entreprenuer but it offers real stories about real people making a difference. Don't just take it from me, read it yourself by clicking on the link below. Enjoy

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Trio In Troon

My mini adventure today inspired me to "live for the moment", "seek the opportunity" and "connect with the people of the world".

Sharing ideas and aspirations not only create a better world but they enhance the passion inside. Go on drive towards your ambitions by connecting, collaborating and creating. I did today over a tea and toastie in Troon and it was tremendous. Thank you to my two friends - you know who you are. Looking forward to meeting you again.


Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Episode 1: Meet Me At The Beginning

Welcome Fellow Bloggers :D

This is the first ever release of my unedited version of Day 34 of my video diary documentary, part 1 and part 2.

Voice of Claire:
"To all of you - never ever let go of your dreams for they are the sanity of your life. Never let your fear keep you away from your dreams because without dreams the world would be a lifeless place. It is the energy and passion that you put into making your dreams come true that makes the world a better place to live in.

This video diary cost me a few minutes of my time everyday to share with you my real experiences. I don’t claim to give you all the answers to establishing a perfect new business venture, the best information, the right order in doing things – this is basically how I did it and how I learned from my mistakes – so you don’t need to make the same mistakes yourself.

I want this video diary to prepare you physically, emotionally and mentally for what you are about to take on – giving you an idea of what it might be like at times - both good times and bad times."

Access on Youtube:

Day 34 Part 1

Day 34 Part 2

I am on Twitter

Welcome Everyone,

You can now follow me on Twitter.

Hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend.
