I want to challenge and
“Inspire YOU on the Pathway to Opportunity” - this is my business VISION!!
But what does this Vision really mean and
how can it benefit YOU?
I believe YOU have a magnificent capacity to grow and fulfil your potential. Yes, sometimes there are barriers in the way but only YOU can break these barriers down. Ahh! But! I hear you say ‘it just ain’t that easy’ - you’re telling me!! Sometimes your greatest learning will come from your own failures or learning from other peoples’ failures. Moving towards the fear is one of those inner challenges which seem so much easier to avoid. But when you go against your core values it tears a part of you away and day by day your true identity slips into the hands of others.
Do you really want to reach the age of 85 and discover through your REGRET that it could all have been different if you only remained true to yourself and took action.
So here comes the empowerment part!!The greatest of triumphs don’t come easy—that’s why you feel so so FANTASTIC when you do achieve them. Can I help you to make a difference in your life today?– well maybe not, but I am going to give it a damn good try.
Find a quiet space, one where you’ll not get any interruptions for the next 15 minutes or so.
Grab a pen and paper and just take a minute to silence your thoughts.
Now make a list, no matter how wacky it may seem and write down your dreams, goals and aspirations in life. Don’t know what you want? Then the following questions might help you:
What are you truly passionate about?
What life desires are you moved to meet?
What excites you?
What are you really great at?
When are you at your most happiest?
What is your dream career?
What is important to you?
What places would you like to visit?
What would you like to learn?GREAT—you may not realise it but you have made the first important step and I have “Inspired YOU on the Pathway to Opportunity’. I bet you’re feeling just a little bit excited—if not alot!
When I was planning for my Life Coaching business—long before it actually started, I got so so excited about helping others to achieve their own dreams in life. My extreme passion released a tremendous amount of energy to motivate action. For me I felt an abundance of excitement that I had never really experienced before. I was 34 years young (always thinking positively) and 2 years later I am living the dream.
Now, I do want to keep it real here because life is not a bouquet of roses everyday (and I would be crazy to expect that) but I go to sleep feeling happy that I got one step closer to meeting my vision and I wake up EVERY morning delighted that yesterday I faced my fears, took a risk and just went for it.
I feel it is such a loss for you not to experience this for yourself –I want this article to inspire action in YOU.
A few hundred words merely says it all but if I have inspired just one of you to discover your potential and go for your dreams—I will be absolutely delighted, so please let me know. Personally, I think hearing real stories are the best. I always love to hear readers’ inspiring stories —I invite you to share them with me at
claire@lifecoachmylife.comIf you wish to watch my dream forming ‘live’ you can do so through watching my daily video diaries FREE at www.pathwaytoopportunity.com