To say I was very excited is an under statement—you could have scraped me off the ceiling I was so hyper!! All in the name of my passion I faced my fears and went for it.
Coach Steve Toth is a master in his field and he instantly made me feel at ease and asked me questions that provided me with a platform to share my background and business journey.
The interview flowed well, with many uncontrollable laughs along the way.
What did I want to achieve from sharing my story?
I wanted to share my own experience of starting with a passion and being fuelled with an abundance of motivation to take immediate and continuous action. I spoke about my drive and energy to share these live experiences through my daily video diaries in the hope that it would inspire other people on the pathway to opportunity.
How did it feel doing the interview?
On reflection it seemed to go so fast but I can honestly say I really enjoyed it.
There was an emotional moment however when Coach Steve unexpectedly played one of my video diaries. I felt so happy and grateful that my story was being shared and would hopefully touch someone’s heart just like it was touching mine. I held back the tears and sheer emotion as Coach Steve asked me how it felt to hear the video diary being played.
You see I have been working on this video diary dream for over 1 year now and I have hit many many brick walls along the way but I NEVER GAVE UP. I always believed that it would reach others one day, I just didn’t know when and how that would be.
Will I take part in a radio interview again?
You bet I will—but you knew that would be my answer—I call myself
Miss Opportunity NOT Missed Opportunity!!
Where can I listen to the radio interview?
You can access the interview via the archived podcast media segment by entering the following link into your web browser: http://www.realcoachingradio.net/content/mind-body-and-soul-1, click on the 'blue rss button' so that you can listen to it any time or by just right clicking on the link and saving it to your computer as a media file, optionally you can also subscribe to the shows RSS Podcast Feed.
You can also check out the blog post about this show at: http://realcoachingradio.net/blogs/coachstevetoth/2009/nov/04/home-video
The Real Coaching Radio Network (RCRN) and the 'Mind, Body & Soul Show' is founded by host-executive producer Coach Steve Toth and is also syndicated by RCRN, NowMedia, BlogTV, Stickam, KyteTV and My Rx for Living Internet Radio channels-communities.
I would like to personally thank Steve Toth and all the sponsors for inviting me as a guest on their show and I look forward to returning as a guest in the future.