As a Life Coach I have many clients who come to me with big dreams, goals and life aspirations – they have no problem determining what they want for themselves in life. Their biggest issue is that they have had these ‘dreams’ for years and have never actually done anything about it. They chose to stay in Dreamland, waiting…..and waiting…..and waiting. If this is you, I would ask the question, what are you waiting for? No one and I really mean this when I say it; no one is going to turn up at your door with that new slim body or that great new career you’ve always wanted. If you do believe that, then I am sorry to say, you will remain forever in Dreamland. Now I’m not knocking Dreamland, don’t get me wrong here because I am the first person to encourage people to dream of everything that they want in life and then to take that first baby step to getting there. Let me give you a few examples of mine:
In 2007 I had a real desire and dream to become a Life Coach and start up my own business. By the end of 2008 this dream of mine became a reality and all because I took action. Yes, there were barriers, yes, there were challenges, but I always believed in myself and I got there. I got there not in the end, but I got there in the beginning – a new beginning for me with a whole new set of dreams and new goals to go for.
In 2008 I wanted to make a ‘fly on the wall’ documentary of what it is like starting up your own business (particularly in the middle of a recession) and I wanted to share that learning with others in the hope that it would inspire them to go for their own dreams, goals and aspirations in life. I am over one year into making this happen and have completed over 400 daily video diaries – you can watch them here on RCRN. I continue to face barriers with this dream everyday but I will never give up, I love the journey too much!!
In April 2009 I watched the London Marathon on TV, I said to myself “I am going to do that next year” – I am now 11 weeks into my marathon training for the April 2010 London Marathon. Since my training started I have run 160 miles and walked 27 miles – in time this equates to approximately 112,200 seconds but it all started with ‘Baby Step Seconds’. The famous Chris Gardner, whose true story was told in the film, ‘In the Pursuit of Happiness’ played by the amazing Will Smith –frequently talks about taking ‘baby steps’ in many of his live interviews.
It really is quite simple when you think about it, living your dream starts now with taking baby steps a.k.a ACTION!!
Don’t live your life thinking “what if” or “if only” and “if” you do, well you have a nice time in Dreamland whilst I and many others take action to live our dreams!!
In those famous words by Ruth Casey, “It only takes one person to change your life – YOU”!!