Friday, 22 July 2011

Change is Opportunity NOW

I was on the phone to my new business partner Debbie yesterday and we were talking about ‘change’, for me ‘change is opportunity’. Why do I say this? Well as much as some of us might dread the thought of change, I absolutely love it and find it an exciting challenge. I don’t want to sit in my ‘comfort zone’ all my life, it is important for me to get out there, embrace new challenges and live life. If I fail, well I feel I have only learned some great lessons that will strengthen me as a person.

I was sent this wonderful quote last night by my friend Stephen, “if we never fail at anything we are not being adventurous enough” by Peter Huntley, MD of Go North East buses, what a truly wonderful quote that is. I would rather try and fail 1000 times than not try at all. Determination, persistence, passion and never giving up is the qualities that I feel will get me everywhere. We all know the famous saying ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ so I would also throw in some ‘patience’ to this amazing mix of ingredients.

What I would say however is that to make change happen you need to know exactly your answers to the following questions:

• Where you are going?

• What do you specifically want to achieve?

• What do you need to be, do and have to get there?

• What activities can you take action on NOW that will have the greatest impact on moving forward towards your change goal?

Change is a choice and once you make that full commitment to change anything in your life you must take ‘MASSIVE ACTION’ to initiate the process. When you start taking meaningful action towards your change goal you will get more and more motivated by the results you start to see – the fruits of your labour.

To change effectively and for the long term you must start at the core, with the root “the roots determine the fruits”. That means change the way you think, which will change the way you feel and ultimately this will change your behaviours and it is in what you do that will help you get real results.

So make that decision today, challenge yourself, be open, flexible and adaptable to change, welcome it with open arms and express who you really are because the only constant in life is change and if you stand still, I believe you are actually going backwards, as others makes changes to drive ahead they will most definitely overtake you – so don’t be left for dust, change is opportunity NOW!!

By Claire Murray
Director of Murray People

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