Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Get what you want – SIMPLE!

I’ve always been a simple guy, that’s why when I organise and think about life I have to keep it SIMPLE!…………

I’ve been lucky so far and have managed to complete the exercise I’m about to explain in a few situations and by keeping things SIMPLE I’ve managed to pull a couple of aspirations off……….

I intend to continue setting my targets in life using the following method, as I know it works……….and if this helps even just one other person then it will be worth sharing it…….

So the SIMPLE process as promised…………

STEP 1 – Know what you want……

To get what you want out of life you first have to know what you want – that may sound obvious……but ask, do you really know what you want? Get yourself a piece of paper, and at the top write what you want out of life…………

If you did do what I suggest in step 1 you have just took a HUGE movement forward in achieving your aspiration……..

STEP 2 – Where am I now……

So, now you know what you want, the next step is possibly more difficult – at the bottom of the page, identify what your situation/status is at the moment in relation to your ultimate aspiration at the top, this may take more words!

You can now relax that’s all the hard work done, knowing what you want and recognising where you are is the difficult part – the SIMPLE part is now achieving this…….I’ll show you how SIMPLE this is:

STEP 3 - Just bridge the gap….

You now have a blank gap of paper in between 2 statements……that gap is the gap you must bridge to achieve your aspiration.

You must now, one link at a time make a chain between your bottom statement and your top……….

At this stage I think best to use an example; let’s say your aspiration was to be a member of the Scottish Parliament, your piece of paper may look like the following:

This may seem too SIMPLE, however this is how SIMPLE it is!!!! Who says it should be anymore difficult other than your own cynicism and society generated cynicism…………

There is a certain ‘I can do’ attitude required, and not the easier option that seems more intuitive to say I can’t or I’m unable to!
This exercise can be applied no matter what you want to achieve, you may want any of the following:

• To be Captain of golf club

• To be the boss of your department at work

• To have a successful marriage

• To have happy content children

• To be a big movie star!! :-)

• To own your own business

• To be a millionaire

No matter what your aspiration in life is, you can apply this exercise.

STEP 4 – Make it happen….

So that’s all the theory done in your mission, you now move onto the practical and more fulfilling aspect of achieving your aspiration.

You now take a leap from the ‘where you are now’ into the world of the first ‘bubble’ on your particular plan. Whilst making this first link in your chain of activity be a success, always keep in mind what the next link is…………..intuitively you’ll know when the time is right to take the leap to the next bubble, and you start the ‘making it happen’ process again, with the next link now in mind………….

If this sounds all too SIMPLE, then I’d like you to tell me how it’s not………..The only person that can stop this SIMPLE process work for you, is indeed you yourself.

Final Remark

We can all think of 1,200 reasons not to do something or make something happen, what this process requires is a mind set of finding a way of making things happen.

I’d suggest you try this process on a simple model first, lets say clearing a Credit Card balance or getting yourself fit enough to run 3 mile without stopping (if your unable to do so at the moment!).

Trust the methodology – and flow with it……….when you see that it works it just builds momentum!!!!

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